Friday, August 27, 2010


Tonight I was out to dinner and at a baseball field near where I live they were filming a movie. My mom & I decided to go check it out because you could just walk in and be an extra. So that is what we did. So I got be an extra in the movie tonight. The movie is called Homerun Derby and it stars Matthew Lillard. If your not sure who that is, let me enlighten you. He has been in many movies including Scream, She's All That, Scooby Doo & Without A Paddle. After filming ended tonight he was gracious enough to hang around for a little bit and do autographs and take pictures which I thought was really nice. So long story short I got to meet him and get a picture with him:

Thanks Matthew for being so courteous & kind! You rock :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Happy Birthday to me!

So last week was my birthday & I am now the big 2-2, woo! Haha. I went shopping with my dad so that I could pick a few things as my gifts. I went to J.Crew which is one of my favorite stores. I picked out a pair of pants & a really cute cardigan.

Now even though I really love the store, I am a little upset with them. The pants I got (I hate to say) were $79.50, but since they were my gift it was ok. But 4 days later I was looking on their website & what do I see but my pants-under the sale items. Yep, that's right, they were on sale. And not just 10 bucks off or something-oh no, they were now on sale for $19.99. Yep they were $60 off. Now how is that even logical? The pants are cordoroy which means they are for winter. I was so unhappy. Now online they did not have my size so I called the store to ask them if they were on sale there & they were not. I told them they were on sale on the website & asked if I could get a difference because I had just purchased a sweatshirt the same day at a different store & found it on their website for $10 cheaper & they gave me the refund. Well apparently J.Crew does not work that way & they would not give me the difference, told me sorry & said there was nothing they could do.
This just does to show you that when something is that expensive you should really not pay retail. Now at that store they don't usually have all their stuff on sale later but I never thought it was going to be that much less in just 4 days. I am now trying to decide if I want to keep them just out of principle. I really think that them putting them on sale that quick they should give you the difference but I guess its different at every store. Oh well. You live, you learn.

Also for Christmas my brother & his girlfriend got me a Coach gift card & I was waiting to find just the right thing & the other day I did:

-->Isn't it adorable? OMG Thanks again Taylor & Amanda :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Hurt Locker

So after a seriously long wait I finally saw The Hurt Locker last week. Ever since watching the Oscars I had been wanting to see it & I reserved it from the library but had no idea it was going to take this long for it to come in. Last week it did. I wasn't really sure what I was going to think of it. I really like Jeremy Renner & I knew I was going to like him in it. But the movie was actually really good. It wasn't the best thing I had ever seen but it was still pretty good. I am glad that I saw it though. I didn't really see any of the other movies that were nominated for Best Picture this year so I don't know what it was up against but all in all I would suggest seeing it! And if not for the movie then for the oppurtunity to see Jeremy Renner in uniform :) swoon.

It's something unpredictable but in the end there's right

So I was just thinking the other day that fall is just around the corner. Don't get me wrong, I love summer, in fact my birthday is this week. And if fall didn't come with the beginning of a new school year, it would be perfect. I love fall.
I love to watch the colors change.
I love to watch the leaves fall.
I love the weather.
I love going to high school football games (even though I've been out for a few years now haha).
I love wearing hoodies with jeans & flip flops.
I LOVE Halloween.
I love everything about fall.
Except for school.

However that's not to say that I dislike school. I actually really like school & this semester I will be starting at my new school which I am really excited about. I actually just got a letter for a scholarship I recieved so I think this is going to be a really good year. At least I hope so. Knock on wood my health agrees with me!