Wednesday, April 4, 2012

One Tree Hill.

Well, tonight is the end of an era.  My favorite show (you could call it an obsession) is ending.  One Tree Hill will take its final bow tonight at 8 on the CW.  I have grown up with this show, I started watching it when I was 15 and I am now 23.  It has been on for 9 seasons and I have never missed an episode, including once when I was in the hospital.  This show has seen me through high school, a house fire, a kidney transplant, and now college.  With all the crazy things that life has thrown me, One Tree Hill has always been a constant in my life.  I look forward to it every night it's on and every time a new season rolls around.  I knew from the pilot episode way back in 2003 that this show had staying power and that I was going to see it through to the end, and I have done just that.  The show means so much to me and I don't care if that's corny, it's the truth.  The characters mean a lot to me, they are so relatable and you invest so much in them, especially after 9 seasons.  I also learned a lot from this show, it taught me things and I still find myself repeating some of the quotes, and that means something, it means this show was important.  I have every season on DVD and I have watched all of them at least 4 times (yearh, I told you it was an obsession) and it never gets old.  I still invest so much in every episode every time I watch it, just like it's the first time I'm watching it.  I will miss this show and the characters dearly but thankfully I will still have the DVD's so I can go back and watch them anytime I want.  But it's sad to know that after tonight there will never be another new episode.  So One Tree Hill, I will miss you, after all, there's only One Tree Hill.

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