Monday, December 19, 2011

No Strings Attached

So I don't know what my deal is lately but I have just not really been impressed with anything I've seen recently (other than New Years Eve).  No Strings Attached was no exception.  I watched this last night & really wasn't that impressed.  It was cute & somewhat funny but I'm someone who doesn't really laugh at 50000 different sex jokes.  A couple?  Fine.  But every other word about sex just gets to be a little much, it makes it seem like you couldn't really think of a story so you just throw in a bunch of sex talk/jokes.  I've never been a huge fan of Natalie Portman & I don't think she really fit in this role.  She just doesn't come off as a friends with benefits type & she really wasn't all that funny in this.  Ashton Kutcher on the hand?  I really liked him in this.  He was cute, funny & a tad neurotic & he seemed pretty perfect for the part.  The big problem however was that it didn't seem like there was much chemistry between the two of them.  But maybe that's just me.  Another disappointment?  Cary Elwes.     I think he was the third name listed in the credits at the beginning so I thought he was going to have a pretty big part.  Well, I was wrong.  He played a doctor that worked with Natalie Portman's character & he had maybe 5 lines.  That was quite the bummer.  I really like him & was really hoping to see more of him since that's what it seemed from the credits but not so much.  All in all, I guess I would recommend it.  Actually, on second thought, I seriously don't know.  It was fine but nothing to write home about it.

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