Thursday, December 8, 2011

La la la la la

I have been crazy busy studying for finals this week & last & on top of that I broke out in shingles so needless to say, I haven't had much time to watch anything but here are a couple reviews:

Gossip Girl (Season 5)
So this season has been pretty damn good & this weeks midseason finale episode was great.  As most of you know Blair is engaged to Prince Louis & pregnant with his child (we think) but their future isn't looking to hot.  The end of the episode had Blair running away with Chuck (yay!) while being pursued by paparazzi.  The paparazzi caused their limo to get in an accident & ended with them in the hospital.  Now personally, I don't think the accident seemed that bad but whatever.  Everyone was told that Blair would be ok but that it wasn't looking good for Chuck.  I think it was last season that ended with Chuck getting shot, hasn't the poor guy been through enough??  The show doesn't come back until January so we will just have to wait and see what happens!!
PS:  Is it just me or was everyone else holding out hope that maybe Blair and Dan would end up together??  Maybe it's still possible.

You Again

I got this from the library the other day thinking it would be pretty hysterical considering the talent in it (Jamie Lee Curtis, Sigourney Weaver, & the oh so fabulous Betty White) but it was quite the let down.  There were a few funny parts but overall it was pretty lackluster.  Plus, Betty White wasn't even in it that much so that kind of sucked.  And the character that Odette Yustman played was so freaking annoying but then again, Kristen Bell's character was kind of annoying too.  All in all, I would suggest to pass on this one.

New In Town

To be honest I'm probably not even qualified to review this because I turned it off after about 20 minutes.  Yes, it was that bad.  I'm not a fan of Renee Zellweger & she was not good in this movie.  I know it was supposed to be a comedy but I didn't last once.  There were scenes where you could tell that line was supposed to get a laugh but sorry, no such luck.  Definitely pass on this one!  But hey, maybe you could finish it & really like it.  Like I said, I may not be qualified to review this one.

Right at Your Door (2007)

I had never heard of this movie until about two days ago when I noticed it was on TV.  I thought it sounded like it might be interesting so I set my DVR & when I got home from finishing my last exam today I thought I'd give it a try.  It's basically about these bombs that go off in LA & a husband & wife are separated by it.  He thinks she's dead so he boards up the house like the news says to do & then she comes home.  But because she's contaminated by the stuff in the bombs she can't come in the house.  So basically the movie is two hours of this husband & wife communicating through a window & plastic.  This movie was alright, not amazing but a heck of a lot better than You Again.  If you're into the sci-fi kind of stuff then I would suggest this.

Last Man Standing

Ok so I love Tim Allen & was super excited to find out he was returning to TV.  His new show Last Man Standing is pretty funny, not nearly as funny as Home Improvement, but really what is?  This time around he is a father of three girls, one which has a baby of her own & they all live together.  His wife is played by Nancy Travis who I really enjoy & she is pretty good as his wife but I just don't quite feel the dynamic between these two as he & the one who played his wife on Home Improvement but that could be because the show is still new so give it time.  All in all, I would say if you haven't checked it out it's definitely worth your time.  It airs Tuesday nights at 8!

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