The Wolfman (2010)
So I really wanted to see this when it originally came out but since my mom is my usual movie companion and she really doesn't like any type of horror movie, I didn't make it to the theater. It was on TV the other night so I automatically set my DVR for it and I'm actually watching it right now. There is about twenty minutes left so I don't actually know how it ends yet. I saw the original The Wolfman (1941) and even though it's really old and they obviously didn't have the type of effects they do now I still thought it was pretty good. I didn't find the original to be scary and I didn't really think the new one was either but it was good nonetheless. The movie stars Benecio Del Toro as the wolfman and he does a very good job. I haven't seen him in a ton of things so I don't have a lot of experience to go on but I know that he's a decent actor and he did a very good job of portraying the mysterious wolfman in this film. Most people probably know what this movie is about but in case you don't here's a quick summary: a man (Del Toro) comes back to his hometown to help search for his missing brother and while there he is bit and falls under the "wolfman" curse. Chaos ensues. The movie is very dark (story and color) so if you're not a fan of that I would think twice about seeing it but it really gives it a good atmosphere. It's not the most exciting movie either but the story and the acting makes up for that. I'd say, check it out!
Fifty Shades of Grey (2011)
Being that I am a huge reader, I had to check out this book because practically everyone was talking about it. Well I finished it about two weeks ago and to be honest, I really didn't see what all the fuss was about. It's considered an erotic novel so it's obviously not going after any literary awards or anything like that, and believe me, the writing is far from great. It's basic at best. The author is obviously not an English scholar and being that I am an English major I have pretty high expectations sometimes. The story itself wasn't all that exciting and the erotic scenes were purely for shock value and they honestly weren't all that shocking. I've read some romance novels (small paperbacks) that were pretty similar to this so I guess the scenes in this didn't really shock me all that much. The whole big craze about this book had to do with the S&M part of it and there wasn't even that much of that in there so I'm not sure what people were making such a big deal about. If you have some spare time and want to hop on The Fifty Shades bandwagon so you can discuss it with your girlfriends then by all means, read it. But don't expect some fantastic piece of literature, it's far from that.
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