Saturday, October 22, 2011

Today I get to hang out with my favorite little munchkin-my 2 year old niece Emelia!  I am babysitting her all day while her parents go to a wedding & we always have lots of fun together.  I am writing this while I am sitting because after 1/2 an hour of watching her-she passed out in her bean bag chair in front of the TV while eating Cheerios!
Love little kids :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

So the Tigers didn't fare as well as I was hoping so :( about that.  Was it just me or did Texas just end up being mean?  Anyway, had my Shakespeare class tonight & that was quite boring.  I was almost asleep before I had to leave so that didn't help.  Sometimes I really hate not having class until 5:30.  I was all settled in today lounging in my sweats working on homework & then I had to leave for class.  Ughh...

So on a reviewer note, I watched The Kennedys miniseries last week.  You know the one that noone wanted to air.  Well I couldn't quite figure out why, I didn't really learn anything that I didn't already know.  First thing-the movie was way to long but I guess that's the point of a miniseries.  Second of all, though I like Katie Holmes (she is from near my hometown), I didn't think she quite did Jackie O. justice.  I was a huge fan of Dawson's Creek but I just never thought her acting was all that great.  This movie was no exception.  She just always seems like she is scared of something.  Barry Pepper (Robert Kennedy) on the other hand was amazing!  I have always enjoyed his performances & he did not disappoint.  Greg Kinnear was also very good as the lead role of JFK.  Crazy, he looked just like him, especially from the side.  The part that interested me the most was the relationship between Jackie & Bobby.  The movie portrayed their relationship as almost romantic which really intrigued me.  It intrigued me so much that I got the book "Bobby & Jackie: A Love Story" from the library.  Haven't started it yet but I can't wait!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

I have watched every game so far & I just wanted to say:
                                     GOOD LUCK DETROIT TIGERS!!!  Bring it home!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

                                                              Currently reading:
                                     Quite the selection I know.  Shakespeare is strictly for my Shakespeare
                               class.  You always have to have a good romance novel nearby & the Pride &
                                Prejudice & Zombies?  Well, I love Pride & Prejudice so why not throw
                                                            in zombies for good measure?

Ok so I have quickly become addicted to one of the news shows of the season.  It's called The Secret Circle & it's on the CW on Thursday nights @ 9.

  If you haven't seen it you should definitely check it out.  I wasn't sure if I would like it at first because it's about a group of witches & I'm usually not into that kind of stuff.  Don't get me wrong-I loooove Horror movies but I usually stray away from witch themed ones (except for The Craft which I love) & I still can not get into the whole vampire thing, I have yet to allow myself to see any of the Twilight movies.  But I don't know this show just captivated me from the first night & I find myself excited for Thursdays.  Am I lame?  Maybe.  But I don't really care-I freaking love this show.  I highly, highly recommend it!

PS:  The guy who plays Adam...what a stud ;)


        Here are some of my Fall must haves:

I MUST have my Uggs for when the weather gets cool, that is my complete & utter must have.  Also I love, love, love chunky sweaters for Fall, in fact I just picked up the one in the picture.  I also love to carry around a great tote, something cute & functional that I can carry a book or a drink or whatever else may suit my fancy in.  I just picked up this adorable new Vera Bradley one & I am in love.  Last but not least is chili.  And not just any chili, oh no, it has to be Cincinnati chili (my grandmas recipe).  This actually isn't a Fall must have because I eat it all year round but chili is just so good when the weather cools off isn't it?
So I discovered these candles this season & let me tell you-I am officially addicted.  They are from Bath & Body Works & they had a new candle line that was called Bakery Shop I think & they are the most amazing smelling candles ever.  I am not joking.  You should run to Bath & Body right now & scoop up a whole bunch of the little ones.  that's what I buy-you get 3 for $5 & they last a really long time & that is dirt cheapt when you want to buy 500 of them!  So run, hurry, before they are all gone!  But even if they are all gone, the knew Winter/Christmas scented ones are pretty amazing too!


Saturday, October 8, 2011

Ah, Fall

                                                  You make me fall more in love with you ever year.

                                                                   My baby Ellie!

                                          Went for a walk tonight & took my camera just
                                                        so I could take some tree pictures!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Fall is upon us

 Well, my absolute favorite time of the year is upon us-Fall. I love everything about it, some of which include:

  • Halloween

  • Chilly Nights
  • Oversized sweaters
  • Uggs
  • Pumpkins
  • The changing of the colors
  • Pumpkin pie/pumpkin ice cream

  • Hot chocolate
  • Corn mazes

  • Falling leaves
So it's easy to see, I love pretty much everything about Fall. Also can I say how much I love that my school now serves Starbucks! I love that I can make a quick pit stop before class, it makes it a little more bearable.

I love to read. I especially love reading during the Fall season, snuggling up with a good book while watching the beautiful colored leaves falling from the trees. But over the summer I read the book Sisterhood Everlasting by Ann Brashares. It's the final book in the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series and it was seriously amazing. I have read all of the other ones so that could be why I loved it so much but I think you would really enjoy it even if you haven't read the other ones, but I could be wrong.

PS: Can anyone tell me why I can't get my pictures to post. And if they do post I can only get them to post at the top & it drives me nuts. Any suggestions?