Tuesday, October 18, 2011

So the Tigers didn't fare as well as I was hoping so :( about that.  Was it just me or did Texas just end up being mean?  Anyway, had my Shakespeare class tonight & that was quite boring.  I was almost asleep before I had to leave so that didn't help.  Sometimes I really hate not having class until 5:30.  I was all settled in today lounging in my sweats working on homework & then I had to leave for class.  Ughh...

So on a reviewer note, I watched The Kennedys miniseries last week.  You know the one that noone wanted to air.  Well I couldn't quite figure out why, I didn't really learn anything that I didn't already know.  First thing-the movie was way to long but I guess that's the point of a miniseries.  Second of all, though I like Katie Holmes (she is from near my hometown), I didn't think she quite did Jackie O. justice.  I was a huge fan of Dawson's Creek but I just never thought her acting was all that great.  This movie was no exception.  She just always seems like she is scared of something.  Barry Pepper (Robert Kennedy) on the other hand was amazing!  I have always enjoyed his performances & he did not disappoint.  Greg Kinnear was also very good as the lead role of JFK.  Crazy, he looked just like him, especially from the side.  The part that interested me the most was the relationship between Jackie & Bobby.  The movie portrayed their relationship as almost romantic which really intrigued me.  It intrigued me so much that I got the book "Bobby & Jackie: A Love Story" from the library.  Haven't started it yet but I can't wait!

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