Thursday, August 30, 2012

Once upon a midnight dreary...

If you're not familiar with the title of this post, it is the opening line of Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven." This is my last semester of college and since I'm an English major we are required to do a Capstone project and after choosing to work with Jane Austen I realized that just wasn't my cup of tea and I switched to Poe. I have no idea why I didn't think of Poe before but I am so happy I decided to change. I will be spending the next 15 weeks of my life working on this project so I had to pick something I was interested in. I've read a lot of Poe and I really love his work so I'm very excited to research some of the lesser known stories. I'm planning on looking at between three and five of his short stories and looking at how they work in terms of Gothic Fiction and also the role Poe had in creating the Detective/Horror genre (which, if you've read any of his stuff, you know he was pretty messed up). I will also be looking at different ways he portrayed narration and just the overall creepiness of his text. I seriously can't wait! If you've read my blog before you know how much I love the horror genre so this is totally up my alley. I will also get to incorporate Alice Sebold's The Lovely Bones into my project in terms of how it works with Gothic fiction and narration so I'm really excited about that because it's one of my favorite books! As you can tell, I'm pretty excited about this whole thing!!!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Friends With Kids. Another Piece of My Heart.

Friends With Kids (2011)
Here's another one that I've been waiting to get from the library for quite a while and I was definitely happy with the results. It's similar to your average romantic comedy in that it's obviously a comedy with romance but Friends With Kids had more substance then others. The movie centers around two friends who want to have kids but don't want to ruin a romantic relationship by having them so they decide to have a child together without the romantic ties. Four of their closest friends have children and they don't seem to be very happy and they are bound and determined not to end up like them. The main reason I wanted to see this movie was because I love Adam Scott (Jason) and I've loved him since his time on Boy Meets World (which apparently he hated so that's a bummer). He was really great in the lead role of Jason and I'm glad he finally got to play the lead in something. The movie had a really solid cast, including Maya Rudolph, Chris O'Dowd, Megan Fox, Kristin Wiig, Jon Hamm, Ed Burns and Jennifer Westfeld (who wrote and directed it) and they all did a really solid job and I liked that they all played a part in the way the movie flowed. If you like a good romantic comedy with a little bit of drama, I would definitely recommend this, & even if you don't like that type of movie I would still recommend it because it was just a really good movie.

Another Piece of My Heart (2012)
Just got done reading this the other day and I absolutely loved it! I randomly grabbed it off the shelf at the library one day and after the first few pages I totally fell in love with it. The main plot of the story is about a woman's relationship with her stepdaughter (they basically hate each other) and I feel like I was actually kind of drawn to this book. I'm currently going through a little something with my own stepmother so I was able to relate to this book right off the bat. The story really changes throughout the book but it stays amazing throughout. I've never read anything by Jane Green before but I will definitely be reading more by her. I highly recommend picking this up the next time you're at the library or bookstore.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Wolfman.Fifty Shades of Grey.

The Wolfman (2010)
So I really wanted to see this when it originally came out but since my mom is my usual movie companion and she really doesn't like any type of horror movie, I didn't make it to the theater. It was on TV the other night so I automatically set my DVR for it and I'm actually watching it right now. There is about twenty minutes left so I don't actually know how it ends yet. I saw the original The Wolfman (1941) and even though it's really old and they obviously didn't have the type of effects they do now I still thought it was pretty good. I didn't find the original to be scary and I didn't really think the new one was either but it was good nonetheless. The movie stars Benecio Del Toro as the wolfman and he does a very good job. I haven't seen him in a ton of things so I don't have a lot of experience to go on but I know that he's a decent actor and he did a very good job of portraying the mysterious wolfman in this film. Most people probably know what this movie is about but in case you don't here's a quick summary: a man (Del Toro) comes back to his hometown to help search for his missing brother and while there he is bit and falls under the "wolfman" curse. Chaos ensues. The movie is very dark (story and color) so if you're not a fan of that I would think twice about seeing it but it really gives it a good atmosphere. It's not the most exciting movie either but the story and the acting makes up for that. I'd say, check it out!

Fifty Shades of Grey (2011)
Being that I am a huge reader, I had to check out this book because practically everyone was talking about it. Well I finished it about two weeks ago and to be honest, I really didn't see what all the fuss was about. It's considered an erotic novel so it's obviously not going after any literary awards or anything like that, and believe me, the writing is far from great. It's basic at best. The author is obviously not an English scholar and being that I am an English major I have pretty high expectations sometimes. The story itself wasn't all that exciting and the erotic scenes were purely for shock value and they honestly weren't all that shocking. I've read some romance novels (small paperbacks) that were pretty similar to this so I guess the scenes in this didn't really shock me all that much. The whole big craze about this book had to do with the S&M part of it and there wasn't even that much of that in there so I'm not sure what people were making such a big deal about. If you have some spare time and want to hop on The Fifty Shades bandwagon so you can discuss it with your girlfriends then by all means, read it. But don't expect some fantastic piece of literature, it's far from that.

Friday, July 13, 2012

2012.The Uninvited.

2012 (2009)
John Cusack. Yep, another movie I rented because of my love for John Cusack. I'm a big fan of the movie The Day After Tomorrow so I was hoping this was going to be similar. It kind of was but I felt more like it didn't make a ton of sense. It just seemed like the world started going crazy at the beginning but there wasn't really a reason as to why and I'm not a huge in-depth person kind of person but I needed a little more clarification. The special effects were pretty good but it was almost a little too far-fetched. Once they got to the "ark" it was strange because I felt like it was more of a UFO and that it kind of got more sci-fi for my liking. John Cusack did a good job though so that was a plus. If you like the disaster/action type movies then I would suggest this but if you don't really care for that kind of stuff then I would say you should pass.

The Uninvited (2009)

So as you know by now I am a big horror movie buff which is why I rented this and it did not disappoint. It wasn't a fast moving moving and in all honesty it was more of a thriller/mystery movie rather than pure horror but it was supposed to be creepy and it succeeded. The Uninvited is good in that creepy, wait for it kind of way instead of being filled with blood and guts and it really was creepy. The movie focuses on two sisters, one of whom just got released from a mental hospital and how they cope with the death of their mother and their father moving on to a new woman so fast (who has already moved in). As the movie goes along we find out the new girlfriend's intentions aren't so kosher and the girls start to realize that they may be in danger. I don't want to spoil the movie for anyone who hasn't seen it yet but the end has a pretty great twist that I didn't see coming and it really turned the movie around. It's one of those ones that after you watch it and realize what really happened (like Shutter Island) you want to watch it again to see if there are any clues you can pick up. If you like creepy movies then this is for you!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Descendants. The Ward. Identity. 1408.

The Descendants (2011)
So I've been hearing lots of good things about this movie so after a couple months I finally got it from the library. My mom saw it in theaters and she said it was really good but I didn't really think it looked all that exciting so I opted to not go. Well it didn't have a ton of exciting moments but it was still a good, solid film. The plot is basically centered on George Clooney as a man whose wife has just had an accident and is now in a coma and his relationship with his two daugters who he didn't have much of a relationship with before. While the wife is in the coma Clooney finds out that she has been having an affair and that their mutual friends and his daughter knew about it. I was appalled by the way her friend acted about the whole affair, I really just wanted to slap her. She didn't think the woman was doing anything wrong by having an affair and she didn't want to betray her friend by discussing it with the woman's husband and I just didn't like that. But other than that, it was a good movie. Clooney's relationship with his daugthers improve throughout the film and that was nice to see and he also improves as a person which I think was really the whole point of this movie. It just shows what happens to a family when one of the worst possible things happen and how that family reacts and works together. If you like a good dramatic movie then I would suggest this.

The Ward (2010)

Bad. That's really all there is to say about this movie. As you already know I am a huge horror movie fan and I also usually really like John Carpenter's work (he is after all the mastermind behind one of my favorite horror movies, Halloween) but this was just lame. It didn't make a lot of sense, the parts that were supposed to be scary came off more as laughable and it was a total ripoff of Shutter Island and Identity (side note: if you haven't seen Identity with John Cusack, you should totally rent it). I hate when a movie rips off an idea of something that was recently new and this did just that. This was a waste of time and I would not recommend this at all.

Identity (2003)

Since I mentioned this movie in talking about The Ward I thought I would do a quick review of it. This movie is sweet! I've seen it a couple times and I've got to be honest, the first time I watched it I didn't totally understand it which is why I watched it more than once. I don't want to completely spoil it but basically this movie has an awesome twist at the end (that I didn't see coming, but maybe you will). It stars one of my favorite people, John Cusack and he is just as awesome in this as he is in everything else. This movie is very simliar to Shutter Island but Identity did come first. Identity is one of those movies that keeps you on the edge of your seat and I wouldn't describe it as a horror movie but rather a thriller, and a very good one. I love the twist at the end and watching it twice definitely makes it more understandable.

1408 (2007)
I'm really not sure why, but I am obsessed with this movie. I've seen it numerous times and I still can't get enough. Maybe it's because of John Cusack? Who knows. 1408 is based on a short story by Stephen King (who almost always gets it right) and if you've seen other Stephen King movies (IT, Thinner, Needful Things) this is a lot better. King movies are either really good (Rose Red, The Shining, The Stand, Storm of the Century) or not so good (see above) but I always love to watch them. 1408 is about a writer (Cusack) who writes about haunted hotels and he travels to the Dolphin Hotel to research supposedly haunted room 1408. He is greeted by the manager of the hotel played by Samuel L. Jackson who doesn't want him to enter the room but against his wishes Cusack enters anyway and insanity ensues. The stuff that goes down in that room is crazy and just really brings this movie to a whole new level. It's a horror/thriller/action/mystery movie and I definitely recommed it, it's one of my favorites! I also read the short story and though it wasn't nearly as good as the movie it was stull pretty creepy.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Magic Mike

Magic Mike (2012)

So I went to see this for all the obvious reasons (the eye candy) and I really wish I could say the story part of it was excellent just wasn't. The man candy was pleasant but other than that it honestly wasn't that good. I've never thought that Channing Tatum was that great of an actor and he didn't change my mind with this role. The story just seemed like an afterthought to all the stripping and now that I mention it, lets talk about the stripping. I'm no prude but after a couple scenes of it it just started to get a little old. It was like once you've seen it once you've seen it enough. And some of the scenes were just trashy which was really a shame. But this is a stripper movie and that's all you are going to get from it, don't go to it expecting some thought provoking storyline or any tear-inducing scenes because you won't get them. I would only suggest going to it for the hot men, plain and simple.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Session 9. Hot Tub Time Machine. Hatfields and McCoys.

Session 9 (2001)
Weird. That's really all I can say about this movie. Session 9 was actually recommended to me by when I was looking up another horror movie. I really like that it recommends things to you now (it goes by what you're looking up and then suggests things that are similar to that). I had never heard of this until then and it sounded like something I would like so I ordered it from my library. I had no idea what to expect from this and I still really don't know what I got from it. It was filmed as if it was a documentary so that gave it kind of a cheap feel but it worked. I love movies that take place in mental hospitals (don't ask me why) and that's exactly where this took place. Basically this movie is about a group of guys who go into the abandoned mental hospital to clean up the mold and mildew and that kind of stuff and as soon as they start working there weird things start to happen. You never actually see anything it's more of just a creepy feeling movie which sometimes works and sometimes doesn't and I'm not sure it worked here. The end of the movie had a good twist to it though and I definitely didn't see it coming. Not sure I would really recommend this because for me it wasn't scary enough but if you like the creepy stuff then this might be your kind of movie.

Hot Tub Time Machine (2010)

To be honest, the only reason I rented this was because I love John Cusack. Other than that I really had no idea what to expect. I thought this was going to be really stupid just because of the title but I actually really liked it. It was pretty darn hilarious and I love anything that has to do with the 1980s. The plot of this movie is that a group of 40 something year old guys and Cusack's nephew go to a ski lodge for a weekend and somehow they travel back in time to the 80s after getting into a hot tub. Chaos ensues. I liked that this was raunchy and that they didn't use 20 year olds. Rob Corddry (What Happens In Vegas) was absolutely hysterical in this which is no surprise since he is just that. Cusack was as adorable as always and Craig Robinson (The Office) and Clark Duke (Greek) who very funny also. This movie is not to be taken very serious so please don't watch it with that in your mind. It's just a funny, raunchy comedy with some good music. I recommend it!

Hatfields and McCoys (2012)
Ok so I'm ashamed to say that I knew nothing about the Hatfields and McCoys but after seeing commercials for it and Kevin Costner doing talk shows I decided I wanted to check it out. Well I was pleasantly surprised! I actually loved it! It was a three part miniseries on the History Channel and it had all the characteristics of a big screen movie. It had the perfect amount of drama, action and romance to keep me paying attention and the story really captured my interest, even to the extent of looking it up online. I'm probably in the minority with not knowing about this story but I was immediately drawn to it. And I loved the love story between Johnse Hatield (Matt Barr) and Roseanna McCoy. And Matt Barr was very, very sexy in this:
                                                       Enough to make you watch it?
Not sure if you will be able to rent this or not but I know it was being put on DVD so if you didn't catch it on TV I highly recommend renting it!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Dream House

Dream House (2011)
Boo. That's pretty much all I have to say about this movie. I didn't really know much about the story of this but I saw it at the library the other day and decided to check it out. Basically this movie is Shutter Island with a different cast and title. I love the movie Shutter Island so I felt like this was a major rip-off of that. Dream House stars Daniel Craig, Rachel Weisz, and Naomi Watts; Daniel and Rachel are a married couple who move into a seemingly normal home only to have strange things start to occur pretty much right away. Naomi Watts plays the neighor who seems to know more than what she lets on. The twists and turns start and the story changes completely from what you thought it would originally be, hence the Shutter Island reference. If you've seen Shutter Island then you will understand what I'm talking about. This wasn't even scary which was a bummer and the story at times didn't make sense. I honestly don't think I would recommend this because after I watched it it just seemed like a waste of time and it was over before you knew it.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Change-Up

The Change-Up (2011)
This was actually a pretty good movie!  To be completely honest, the main reason I wanted to see this was because I love Ryan Reynolds and Jason Bateman.  The basic premise of this is that it's an R rated (or unrated) version of Freaky Friday.  The two guys switch places and crazy things ensue.  It was written by the same guy who wrote The Hangover and directed by the same guy who directed Wedding Crashers so it was bound to be funny.  And it was definitely funny.  The two main guys together were pretty great and I would love to see them do something together again.  I wasn't a fan of The Hangover or Bridesmaids (maybe I just don't have the right sense of humor) but I do love Wedding Crashers, Old School, movies like that so I enjoyed this.  It has just enough gross-out humor where it doesn't seem like that's all they're doing but it also has some cute funny moments, for example, when Jason Bateman's character is interacting with his kids, those are some pretty funny scenes, especially the opening scene (I don't want to ruin it for you, but if your gag reflexes are triggered easily you may want to look away)!  Overall I would recommend this, especially if you like to have a good laugh or two!


Friday, May 11, 2012

One Missed Call. Rose Red.

One Missed Call (2008)
Seeing that this movie only got one star and a 3.4/10 rating on IMDB I really had no idea what it was going to be like. And honestly, it wasn't that bad. Don't get me wrong, there was a lot of room for improvement but overall I actually enjoyed it. There were a few creepy parts which I always enjoy and the scares didn't really seem cheap. I know this was a remake of a Japanese movie and I haven't seen that one so I can't really compare the two but that one got a 6.2/10 on IMDB so obviously viewers thought that one was better. If you enjoy these kinds of movies I would suggest it, but don't expect any sort of award winning film.

Rose Red (2002)

I have seen this so many times it's ridiculous so I had to do a review of it! This was originally a Stephen King miniseries in 2002 and that's when I first saw it.  I loved it then and I still love it. If you are a Stephen King fan then this is a must see but even if you're not I would still recommend it. It has all the creepy chills that I good horror movie should have and though some of the special effects are lacking it doesn't really take away from the movie, it was made for TV after all so you can't expect much. After this was on TV it came out on DVD and I used to rent it all the time and a few years ago I bought it on the internet and watch at least a few times a year. I can't really tell you why I love it so much there's just something about it. I love horror movies that take place in creepy old homes especially when that home is the haunted part. The plot is about a Professor (Nancy Travis) who loves all things paranormal and loves the history of this house and she takes a group of people who all have some sort of sixth sense and they try to awaken the house and they do just that.
  Obviously I would highly recommend this and I'm sure you can get it from most libraries or on Netflix so go and check it out!


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Footloose Friends Dark Lucky

  I am officially on summer break so I will definitely be posting more reviews but here are a few new ones:

Footloose (2011)
I really had high hopes for this but unfortunately those hopes were not met.  I am a fan of the original Footloose so I was looking forward to seeing this but...ughh.  Where should I start?  I guess the main problem was that it was just really boring.  I was literally falling asleep.  I am really glad I didn't pay $10 to see this in theaters.  The acting was subpar, I enjoyed the new guy who played Ren and Julianne Hough wasn't that bad.  I think part of the problem was that they tried to hard to copy the original, almost every scene was exactly like the original and I didn't really care for that but that's just my opinion.  I honestly have to say that I wouldn't suggest this unless you want to waste two hours.  If you're itching for a Footloose fix, rent the original.

Friends With Benefits (2011)

Another one that I wasn't that impressed with.  I do have to say that it was better than No Strings Attached but that's not saying much.  This was cute and at times funny but overall I didn't think it was all that great.  Justin Timberlake was funny and I like Mila Kunis but I don't know, I just wasn't that convinced with their chemistry.  I don't really have that much to say about this since I didn't really care for it but it wasn't nearly as bad as Footloose.

Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (2010)

So I am a HUGE fan of horror movies but I prefer ones with ghosts and that kind of thing and I thought that's what this was going to be but no, this movie has weird little gremlin looking monsters and I didn't really like that.  The story wasn't bad and that acting was pretty good (though I've never thought Katie Holmes was that good), Guy Pearce was as good as usual and the little girl did a very good job.  But the monsters?  That was just strange.  The movie wasn't bad but when I'm watching something scary I want to be at least a little scared and I definitely wasn't with this and the little monsters weren't really that creepy.  I was a tad bummed with this, I thought it would be a lot better but I guess your hopes should never be to high when it comes to the horror genre.

The Lucky One (2012)
This I really liked!  And yes, I am one of those girls who  just loves a good chick flick and this certainly delievered.  I love Nicholas Sparks' books and the movies are always good but I hadn't read this one yet so I didn't really know the story other than what I saw from the previews.  Zac Efron was very good in his portrayal of a struggling marine and Taylor Schilling also played her part very well.  I loved the little boy and I look forward to seeing him in other things.  I can't believe I'm actually saying this but the little kid from High School Musical is actually a pretty good actor and he can hold his own as a leading man.  I know the main reason they cast him was because of the eye candy factor, but so what?  Whatever gets the butts in the seat!  But he did a very good job and I hope he does other movies like this.  If you enjoy a good chick flick and maybe want to shed a tear or two then I would definitely recommend this!


Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Roswell (1999-2002)

Ok, so technically this show went off the air 10 years ago so I guess I'm a little late to the party. I just got season 1 from the library and, I am obsessed.  Now I know in my previous post I said I wasn't a fan of alien things but this is really an exception.  That is the main plot of the show but with all the other storylines going on, it kind of gets moved to the back corner and then you just have the drama going on between the characters.  Basically the show is about two siblings, Max and Isabel (Jason Behr and Katherine Heigl) and their friend Michael (Brendan Fehr) who are found to be aliens after Max saves Liz, a waitress at the local diner who gets shot.  Up until this point nobody knows that the three of them are aliens and that's the way they want to keep it but it has to be explained to Liz because of Max saving her life.  I think the thing I love best about this show is the love story between Max and Liz.  I am a sucker for a good love story and the two of them seem to fit perfectly together.  I am not quite done with season one yet so I don't know where their relationship will go but I surely hope it will last.  I can't wait to get my hands on seasons two and three!
Max and Liz

And can I just say how hot Jason Behr is?  Holy crap!  This is the only thing I've ever seen him in (other than his guest spot on Dawson's Creek) and wow!  I've looked him up online and it doesn't seem like he does much anymore but I sure hope that changes in the future!  So for your viewing pleasure here are a few nice pics of the yummy Jason Behr :)

Crazy Elephant Thing

   So it's been awhile since I've blogged about any new movies but I just happened to watch a few over the weekend so here's an update:

Crazy, Stupid, Love (2011)
  So I've been wanting to see this for awhile because I love, love, love Steve Carell (and Ryan Gosling's not bad either).  I get all my stuff from the local library so it takes me a little while to get some of the new things so I've been waiting a couple months for this and finally last week it came in.  I was really excited to see this because the previews made it look really good and I love seeing Steve Carell in these kinds of roles and he really was great in it.  However, the movie wasn't quite what I thought it would be.  Don't get me wrong, it was good but it was a little slow-moving for me.  Ryan Gosling's character was pretty amazing though.  It was almost a little unbelieveable, are there really guys out there like this?  He was like Barney Stinson from How I Met Your Mother on steroids.  I just love seeing Steve Carell in roles like this, I mean he's fabulous on The Office but my favorite role of his is Dan In Real Life because he just seems so real and personable, I just want to give him a hug.  Steve's character has just separated from his wife and he runs into Ryan Gosling who gives him a head to toe makeover and turns him into a ladies man but deep down he still loves his wife.  Emma Stone and Julianne Moore play the main women and I honestly wasn't that impressed with either one.  I don't get the attraction to Emma Stone though so that could just be me.  Overall I would suggest this movie to anyone who just likes to have fun at the movies, it's a good mix of comedy and drama.

Water for Elephants (2011)
  This was another one that I had been waiting a long time for and of course it came in at the same time as the previous movie.  I really wasn't sure about this movie, the only reason I wanted to see it was because I liked the main stars, Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson.  I am not a fan of the circus and I don't usually care for things that take place that long ago (1931) but it exceeded my expectations.  I was quite impressed by Robert Pattinson's performance, I had only ever seen him in the Twilight movies so I didn't have a ton to go on but he did a great job.  Though I haven't read the book yet he seemed to fit the character perfectly.  I used to love Reese Witherspoon but I feel like lately her acting seems the same in everything she's done.  A year or so ago she did a movie called How Do You Know? and that movie was just terrible and she didn't impress me at all.  She was good in this but it didn't blow me away, Robert Pattinson was much better in my opinion.  Christoph Waltz who played Witherspoon's character was great in his role as the insane circus leader.  Witherspoon and Pattinson's characters start an affair and that's when Waltz's character really goes over the edge and he did a very good job at acting crazy.  I've never seen him in anything before but I really enjoyed his performance.  The day after I watched this movie I ran to the bookstore to buy the book so I will be reading that pretty soon!  Overall I would suggest this to just about anyone.  Side note: if you have a problem with any sort of animal cruelty you may want to avoid this because there are a few mild scenes involving this.

The Thing (2011)
   This was terrible.  I love horror movies but this was just bad.  Now I've never seen the original so I don't know how it stacks up to that but looking at it by itself?  Not good.  The acting was mediocre, the main character was played by Mary Elizabeth Winstead and I don't have anything against her but I just don't understand why she was cast as the lead.  She wasn't bad but she just didn't have that star quality that's needed to carry a movie.  The majority of the rest of the cast was made up of people I had never heard of that I'm pretty sure were Norweigan or something like that.  I guess I didn't really know this movie had to do with aliens so that could have been my first problem.  There aren't a lot of alien movies that I like, really the only one is War of the Worlds and I think part of the reason is that it just comes off as goofy to me and this was no exception.  I would not recommend this.  Don't waste your time.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

One Tree Hill.

Well, tonight is the end of an era.  My favorite show (you could call it an obsession) is ending.  One Tree Hill will take its final bow tonight at 8 on the CW.  I have grown up with this show, I started watching it when I was 15 and I am now 23.  It has been on for 9 seasons and I have never missed an episode, including once when I was in the hospital.  This show has seen me through high school, a house fire, a kidney transplant, and now college.  With all the crazy things that life has thrown me, One Tree Hill has always been a constant in my life.  I look forward to it every night it's on and every time a new season rolls around.  I knew from the pilot episode way back in 2003 that this show had staying power and that I was going to see it through to the end, and I have done just that.  The show means so much to me and I don't care if that's corny, it's the truth.  The characters mean a lot to me, they are so relatable and you invest so much in them, especially after 9 seasons.  I also learned a lot from this show, it taught me things and I still find myself repeating some of the quotes, and that means something, it means this show was important.  I have every season on DVD and I have watched all of them at least 4 times (yearh, I told you it was an obsession) and it never gets old.  I still invest so much in every episode every time I watch it, just like it's the first time I'm watching it.  I will miss this show and the characters dearly but thankfully I will still have the DVD's so I can go back and watch them anytime I want.  But it's sad to know that after tonight there will never be another new episode.  So One Tree Hill, I will miss you, after all, there's only One Tree Hill.

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Help

The Help
   After being on the waiting list for a few months for this at the library I finally got it the other day.  Now this was not a bad movie, it was actually pretty good.  However, the majority of the movie just left me mad.  It was hard to watch how these maids were treated and what they had to go through.  I am way to young to remember when racism was really bad but we still see it today and I can't stand racist people and this movie just emphasized that I feel.  It was interesting in that way that it was told from the view of the maids and it was easy to hate the horrible white women (except for Celia & her husband, played by the gorgeous Mike Vogel and obviously Emma Stone's character).  Especially the character played by Bryce Dallas Howard-she was terrible!!  I really have to wonder if the white actresses had a hard time playing these characters because I honestly don't think I could do it and I for sure could never use the 'n' word, I can barely hear it let alone use it, in fact I have never said it and never plan on it.  The story and the plot were good and there were several funny parts but overall, it was a difficult thing to watch and I honestly don't know if I would suggest it.  I do think it's a good thing for someone my age (23) to see because we never saw racism that bad and also for older people that did live through that time so that they can see what these maids and colored people in general really went through.

XO, Lauren